Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade
Lavender Lemonade is the perfect summertime drink!

This is a summertime favorite in our household. Lavender lemonade is a perfect way to cool off while sitting on the deck/porch on a hot summer day. Plus, there are tremendous health benefits to this flavorful combination!

The lemon aids digestion, boosts metabolism and is a huge support for your immune system. The lavender helps with anxiety, depression, and fatigue as well as being good for your gut health and blood pressure.

And, hey, if you wanted to make it more of a grown up bevvy and add some vodka to it, I won’t hold that against you!

Makes 2 Quarts⠀


Citrus juicers are amazing
  • 1/4 cup Dried Lavender Flowers⠀
  • 2 cups Filtered Water⠀
  • 1 cup Organic Raw Honey⠀
  • 1 cup Lemon Juice, strained⠀
  • 5+ cups Filtered Water⠀


Honey is a great complement to lavender
  1. Put the dried lavender flowers into a bowl and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it⠀
  2. Add the honey and allow to steep for 15-20 minutes⠀
  3. Add a few ice cubes to a 2 quart pitcher
  4. Pour honey and lavender mixture through a fine mesh strainer (to remove the lavender flowers) into the pitcher of ice⠀
  5. Add the strained lemon juice and top it off with cold filtered water.⠀
  6. Stir and enjoy your lavender lemonade!

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